
I love to read and I blame my Mom.

When I was little, my Mom read to me every single night until I was the one who took over the reading and she was the one falling asleep in my bed.  She continued to foster that love by never denying me a book when we were out shopping and by the time I was in middle school, I owned every single Baby-sitters Club book ever written.  Thank you, Ann M. Martin, for bringing Kristy, Claudia, Mary Anne, Stacey, Dawn, Mallory and Jessi into my imagination!

Now, going on 30, my taste in books may have evolved a bit, but the absolute love for reading still exists.  I devour and inhale them and am always eager for the next amazing story.  I love the creativity, the wordsmithing, the excitement of a new plot.  Each book is an escape into someone else’s life, just for a little while, and I savor it.

In 2009 I read 204 books.

In 2010 I read 117 books.

In 2011 I’m hoping to read 100 books.

And every once in awhile, I throw out recommendations for my favorite books.

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